Brigantine - Atlantic County Economic Alliance-威尼斯人官网


Brigantine was incorporated as a city in 1924, 取代东大西洋城,合并加洛韦镇的部分地区. 该市毗邻大西洋城和加洛韦镇的大西洋县自治市. Brigantine位于大西洋沿岸的Brigantine岛上. 该地区最初于1890年被合并为Brigantine海滩, then reincorporated as the City of Brigantine, followed by the City of East Atlantic City, and finally back to Brigantine.

The city is also referred to as Brigantine Beach, 它以自己是新泽西州生活和旅游的首选目的地之一而自豪. 花一天的时间去航海、划皮艇、在海里游泳或在海滩上放松. 晚上,在大西洋城的所有行动和兴奋,这是只有几分钟的路程. 距费城不到1小时,距纽约市不到2小时. Brigantine offers the tourist attractions, gift shops, restaurants, and accommodations of a great shore town. Peaceful, yet close to all the action.

Brigantine提供各种全年和第二家的选择. 这里有单户海滨住宅,也有共管公寓,很多都能看到海景或海湾. 布里甘特在海边拥有数英里的滨水房产, as well as along the bay, lagoon, and inland waterway.

虽然全年都很受欢迎,但最繁忙的季节是夏季. For visitors, there are hotels and motels, 以及通过当地房地产经纪人提供的短期租赁, Airbnb, VRBO, and others. 漂亮的房子和公寓可以按周、月、季或年出租. Brigantine有很多房地产办公室提供短期和长期租赁, as well as homes for sale.

Brigantine History

Like all towns in the area, Brigantine是Lenni Lenape聚居区的一部分, 莱纳佩人称这个岛为Watamoonica或“游乐场”. The island would eventually be claimed by the Dutch, 但到1664年,该岛已成为英国西泽西省的一部分. 18世纪,一艘船在离岛不远的海域失事. 这艘船的型号是Brigantine,它将成为该岛的参考点. 该岛成为海盗的藏身之处,并以危险的浅滩而闻名, which wrecked many ships along its coast.

Brigantine would be sparsely populated until the late 1800s when a railroad was built to connect Philadelphia to Brigantine; trolleys ran along the length of the city and steamboats ferried people to Atlantic City. 在这段繁荣时期修建了几家旅馆. However, 20世纪初,风暴和经济不景气导致铁路和大部分酒店关闭.

Development in Brigantine would rebound 1920’s, 当时汽车可以从大西洋城通过一座桥进入布里甘特. 布里甘特高尔夫球场和一所公立学校建成, along with the Brigantine Lighthouse, which was built as a tourist attraction, and not a working lighthouse.

After WWII, Brigantine would continue to grow, and survive several major storms, including the devastating 1962 storm, 以及1978年大西洋城赌场游戏的出现, which led to further growth.

Brigantine Info and Points of Interest

往返布里甘特的唯一道路是新泽西87号公路,也被称为布里甘特大道. 布里甘廷大道穿过文森特法官街. 哈内曼纪念桥,这是进出岛上的唯一通道.

北布里甘特海滩有近两英里的未受干扰的海滩可供探索. The Brigantine Wildlife Refuge, on the north end of Brigantine Island, 是国家保护鸟类和其他野生动物的避难所吗. 有一个观景台,可以观察鸟类和海洋哺乳动物. 北端也是冲浪钓鱼的热门地点. 早春的时候可以去看看濒临灭绝的管鸻.

A portion of the Edwin B. Forsythe国家野生动物保护区位于Brigantine岛的北端. 该保护区为许多不同种类的濒危或受威胁的鸟类提供了重要的栖息地.

海洋哺乳动物搁浅中心(MMSC)位于Brigantine大道. MMSC为遇险的海洋哺乳动物提供救援和医疗服务. Visitors can tour the museum there. More information can be found at their website.

Brigantine灯塔在Brigantine大道3400号. 这座灯塔不是一座功能性的灯塔,而是建于1926年的一个旅游景点. In addition to being a Brigantine landmark, 灯塔也是Brigantine警察局的总部, a museum, and a gift shop.

布里甘特是泽西海岸最好的划船和钓鱼地点之一. 这里有几个码头,还有一个游艇和帆船俱乐部. 你可以租船,也可以租船. There is also surf fishing along the beach.

Brigantine Beach的主要业务与旅游业有关, such as restaurants, taverns, retail shops, recreation, and real estate rentals and sales. Brigantine鼓励企业在这里落户,这是对这些商业活动的补充.

Dana Wineland, Planning / Zoning Secretary
Phone: (609) 266-7600 ext. 205
Email: [email protected]



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Samuel Wear, General Service Representative
Email: [email protected]
Pleasantville office phone: 609-645-6712

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