Buena Vista Township - Atlantic County Economic Alliance-威尼斯人官网

Buena Vista Township

“44 Miles of Opportunity”

Buena Vista’s motto is “44 Miles of Opportunity.” While in reality, the Township is just under 42 square miles, it is a place of opportunity, with plenty of open space, farmlands, majestic Pinelands, nature preserves, and even lakefront beaches.

布埃纳维斯塔镇成立于1867年,从汉密尔顿镇的部分. 该镇的部分地区后来被用于创建福尔松和布埃纳区. The locals pronounce it as “BYOO-NUH,” and like neighboring Buena Borough, 它是以1847年美墨战争中的布埃纳维斯塔战役命名的.

Farming is a way of life in the township, especially in communities like East Vineland, Richland, and Milmay. 该地区以西红柿、玉米和其他蔬菜而闻名. Many farms also grow specialty crops. 几个温室种植各种各样的花卉和植物.

In these farmlands, 几条河流都有它们的源头:马努马斯金流域, part of the Maurice River, as well as the Tuckahoe and South Rivers, which are tributaries of the Great Egg Harbor River. 这些河流对该地区的环境有积极的影响, and they get their start in Buena Vista. 莫里斯河甚至被指定为国家野生和风景河流.

布埃纳维斯塔镇的原始居民是Lenni-Lenape部落. 莱纳佩人历史上的领土包括新泽西州的大部分地区, including what is now Buena Vista Township. 在欧洲人定居之前,莱纳佩人靠该地区的自然资源为生. 最早的定居点可以追溯到Pancoast Mill地区的Deep Run. 欧洲移民于16世纪抵达,并于18世纪永久定居. One of the earliest settlers was John Campbell, who bought land in 1773 and opened a tavern, the Olde Midway Inn. In 1774, the Friendship Church was established.

人们来到这个地区的原因是这里的土壤和沙子适合耕种, 是什么帮助了采砂作业和玻璃制造厂的产生, was readily available. 今天,土壤和沙子仍然是布埃纳维斯塔镇的主要业务. 农场丰富,特种玻璃公司仍位于布埃纳维斯塔.

Facts About Buena Vista Township

该镇的住房主要是单户住宅,以及移动房屋. 居民们用该镇许多非建制地区的名称来指代他们的地区, such as Buena, Richland, Milmay, East Vineland, Collings Lakes, New Kuban, Lake Ann, Buena Acres, and Newtonville.

Newtonville has several historic cemeteries. 布埃纳维斯塔镇还有其他几处历史遗迹和建筑, 包括米尔梅和牛顿维尔的学校,这些学校现在都是私人住宅. More on the history of the township can be found here.

几乎所有的布埃纳维斯塔镇都在松树地,除了东葡萄园的一部分. 新泽西松林国家保护区是一个拥有独特生态的自然保护区,占地超过一百万英亩.

布埃纳维斯塔一直能够保持其乡村特色,并保留其开放空间. 这里有几个公园,包括里奇兰的迈克尔·德比公园. This is the largest park with a street hockey rink, basketball and tennis courts, and baseball, softball, and football fields.

Saw Mill Park is located on Route 40 in Richland Village. 这个公园的特色是一个凉亭,钢铁铁路火车车尾,以及9/11和退伍军人纪念碑. 该公园毗邻著名的帕通谷模型铁路大楼,其中包括布埃纳维斯塔镇游客中心.

John W. Quigley Park is in Collings Lakes. 公园设有街头曲棍球场、篮球场、网球场和操场. There is also a picnic area.

意想不到的野生动物保护区是一个受保护的自然栖息地,拥有近800英亩的森林, fields, bogs, streams, and lakes. 它为当地的动物和植物提供了一个避难所. “避难所”的名字来自“意外之路”,据汽车连接网站称,这条路被评为该国最古怪的街道名称之一.

Buena Vista holds many events every summer, including the Truck Festival and Richland Village Festival. For a full list, visit here.

Commercial and Residential Development Information

Since Atlantic County’s formation in the 1800’s, 这个县的西部保留了许多乡村特色. 大西洋县和当地社区一直在努力加强农业在这些社区中的作用.


Additionally, 该镇的目标是保护高价值农田,保持乡村型社区属性.

Farms and sand are abundant, 许多农场在夏季都有大量的季节性雇员. Comar Glass和SP Wilmad-Labglass等公司是选择留在布埃纳维斯塔的特种玻璃公司的例子. Other businesses have expanded to Buena Vista, including Inspira, which opened a medical complex on Route 40. 未来的扩建设想医生和服务将设在这里. Other large employers are: Teligent, a pharmaceutical company, Waste Management, and Palmieri Electrical Contractors.

布埃纳维斯塔镇与当地和区域经济发展组织合作, such as the ACEA, the NJ Business Action Center, 以及国家经济发展局为企业寻找激励措施.

Business Contact:

Lisa A. Tilton,

Township Administrator, Planning & Zoning Board Secretary

(856) 697-2100 ext. 1

[email protected]

Residential Programs

美国农业部的农村住房服务为农村地区的单户和多户住房提供贷款和贷款担保. 布埃纳维斯塔镇的所有住宅物业都有资格获得这些贷款. 这些贷款,贷款担保和赠款的资格是基于收入. The USDA has both Direct Loans and Guaranteed Loan Programs.



对于大西洋县企业| ACIA商业贷款可以与小企业管理贷款相结合,以获得最大的影响

Click here for details



For New Jersey Businesses | Various Loans and Incentives | Click here for details


Primary Contact

Municipality Data

通过下面的链接查找有关该城市人口统计的详细信息, including total population, median income, number of households and more.

Major Roads and Highways:


Business Financing Availability

Workforce Training Contact:


Samuel Wear, General Service Representative
Email: [email protected]
Pleasantville office phone: 609-645-6712

Available Properties

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